Reply To: zoom suspended 3 months from 16/2/2024

Home Community Info Inside zoom suspended 3 months from 16/2/2024 Reply To: zoom suspended 3 months from 16/2/2024

Michael Z


As of today, your subscription has been paused. It will be paused for 3 month(s) as you selected, and you will not be billed during this time. Your subscription will resume on 05-16-2024. While you are paused, your account will revert to Basic plan features. Your cloud recordings will not be accessible during this time, but you will regain access when your Pause ends and your subscription restarts.

If you would like to restart your subscription before the end of 3 month(s) or purchase additional products, please go to your billing portal and select Restart Plan, which will end the pause. You will be billed immediately and will be able to access your previous Pro plan features or make additional purchases.

If you would like to cancel your subscription at any time, you can find the option to Cancel Plan within the billing portal as well.